Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

Here's what you can grab:

Everything / For game: T1 - TGold - T2 - T3 - DarkMod - Shock2 / Missions with: Loot Lists - Walkthroughs - Hints - Screenshots - Reviews - Ratings - High Ratings
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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Return to Bafford Manor DarthsLair 2006.11.28 L 2.9MB Thief Gold
Phoenix Hath Risen, The Darthslair 2008.10.04 L 4.3MB Thief Gold
Keeper of the Bell DarthsLair 2004.03.12 910KB Thief Gold
Gold in Fort Knocks DarthsLair 2008.06.10 W 1MB Thief Gold
In the Loom of Doom Darthslair 2007.10.27 L 3.8MB Thief Gold
To Whom The Bell Tolls DarthsLair 2007.01.21 S W 1.2MB Thief Gold
Castle of the Dead DarthsLair 2008.04.23 L 3.1MB Thief Gold
Lord Bafford's Secret DarthsLair 2013.01.06 137.4MB Thief 2
Cataclysmic Revelations DarthsLair 2013.05.28 W L 251.2MB Thief 2
Escape Hammer Hill Darthslair 2010.08.03 L 52.1MB Thief 2
Tower of St. Moria, The DarthsLair 2011.04.03 L 64.5MB Thief 2
Tell Tale Heart DarthsLair 2012.11.13 250.4MB Thief 2
Cathedral of St. Vincent DarthsLair 2012.06.22 188.7MB Thief 2
Wicked Webs We Weave Darthslair 2009.05.23 W L 12.3MB Thief 2
Deadly Triangle, The DarthsLair 2011.05.06 103.8MB Thief 2
15 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)