Cheap Thief Mission Downloads

Last updated: 2017.10.26

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Title (click for info) Author Date Rating S W H L Size Game
Kill for Life, The Dront 2008.05.07 6.7MB Thief Gold
Amida (Japanese) JIS 2001.07.06 2.3MB Thief Gold
Admiral's Compass Dront 2008.05.23 1.6MB Thief Gold
Golden Book Zontik 2007.05.30 S W L 89.5MB Thief Gold
Dock Land Belboz (Steven Hindley) 2000.02.22 4.75 W 3.8MB Thief Gold
Mine Shock JIS 2005.03.30 3.2MB Thief Gold
Invitation to Castle Morgoth Vlad Midnight 2009.01.01 18.2MB Thief Gold
Gerome of the Woodlands Caleb Callaway (Despot) 2000.02.22 5 1.4MB Thief Gold
Hard Luck Jeremy D. "Feanor" Mitchell 2000.09.22 6 3.5MB Thief Gold
Seeds of Doubt Duncan "The Deceiver" Cooke 2001.04.27 7.5 H 4.9MB Thief Gold
Meeting with Cutty Azrarhn 2005.08.27 1022KB Thief Gold
Woodkey Resthouse GOB 2003.06.10 4 3.5MB Thief Gold
Business at Midnight David Moore 2001.05.27 9.9MB Thief Gold
F (Japanese) JIS 2001.05.05 3 R 874KB Thief Gold
Restored Cathedral, The Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty) 2002.10.26 S 1.9MB Thief Gold
Castle of the Dead DarthsLair 2008.04.23 L 3.1MB Thief Gold
Phoenix Hath Risen, The Darthslair 2008.10.04 L 4.3MB Thief Gold
Ochiru (Japanese) MaitchinguMachikoSensei 2002.05.26 196KB Thief Gold
Mr Chuz Azrarhn 2005.08.27 1.9MB Thief Gold
Creature Clash Gold Philip M. Anderson (Weyoun) 2002.11.25 5.6MB Thief Gold
Hellerhouse Stringgod 2003.12.10 S 2MB Thief Gold
Elevator Mission JIS 2006.02.12 6.5MB Thief Gold
Murder in Featherstone Vaughan Cooper (Sluggs) 2008.09.17 L 3.8MB Thief Gold
Lighthouse Shed Dront 2010.05.08 5.1MB Thief Gold
Artefakt, Das Mayar 2009.06.12 919KB Thief Gold
In the Loom of Doom Darthslair 2007.10.27 L 3.8MB Thief Gold
Secret Affair, A Aisha 2000.04.15 2.5 692KB Thief Gold
Plot Dront 2008.09.30 25.5MB Thief Gold
Hell's Motel Part 2 amievil? 2003.04.12 13.1MB Thief Gold
Captured by Beasts Dront 2008.05.22 4MB Thief Gold
Killing of Timer, The JIS 2002.02.09 2MB Thief Gold
Yakuza (Japanese) JIS 2002.02.26 424KB Thief Gold
Keeper of the Bell DarthsLair 2004.03.12 910KB Thief Gold
Unseen, The skacky 2013.04.07 14.9MB Thief Gold
Dead Night Sweet Delight MysteryMan 2013.05.24 67.6MB Thief Gold
Return to Bafford Manor DarthsLair 2006.11.28 L 2.9MB Thief Gold
K (Japanese) JIS 2002.02.22 632KB Thief Gold
Gold in Fort Knocks DarthsLair 2008.06.10 W 1MB Thief Gold
Deadly Darkness Tomi Väisänen 2002.01.06 7 2.9MB Thief Gold
Between These Dark Walls skacky 2012.11.16 L 5.3MB Thief Gold
Hell's Motel Part 1 amievil? 2002.05.03 L 5.1MB Thief Gold
UFO (Japanese) JIS 2002.01.28 W L 2.1MB Thief Gold
Lord Beilman's Estate Vlad Midnight 2009.04.27 25.9MB Thief Gold
Hammer and Garrett JIS 2006.06.04 5.9MB Thief Gold
Returning the Lockpicks Dront 2008.05.23 1.4MB Thief Gold
Shadow Politics skacky 2012.04.28 2.9MB Thief Gold
Projekt Hammer DarkThief 2010.06.27 1.1MB Thief Gold
Hideout, The Mayar 2009.04.14 1.3MB Thief Gold
Holy Hammer Dront 2008.05.23 2.1MB Thief Gold
Five Minute Thieves Guild William the Taffer 2001.07.23 4 411KB Thief Gold
Dread amievil? 2001.10.28 3.6MB Thief Gold
Garrett's Revenge Belboz (Steven Hindley) 1999.09.10 5 W 2.1MB Thief Gold
Return of Ramirez Griffin Bain 2009.02.14 532KB Thief Gold
Hell Chapter2 'The LostAge' JIS 2002.02.24 4MB Thief Gold
Heart and Soul xarax 2002.03.20 2.9MB Thief Gold
To Whom The Bell Tolls DarthsLair 2007.01.21 S W 1.2MB Thief Gold
UndeadLand JIS 2002.05.26 2.3MB Thief Gold
Blue Star, The Andreas Lilja (MoonAchilles) 2010.11.08 S L 2.1MB Thief Gold
Shadow of Doubt (campaign) Sperry 2002.08.12 80.6MB Thief Gold
59 results returned.

(S/W/H/L = Screenshots / Walkthrough / Hints / Lootlist)
(Ratings averaged from those at The Circle, those at The Keep of Metal and Gold and my own personal ratings.)
(The raw database from which this page was generated is available as a text file here.)