Price 100: Golden nugget behinde the TIME banner (banner can be destroyed by throwing your pocket watch). Golden nugget (you can see it in the window from the tower). Open Forge, press button in the chimney, then leave the Forge and look to the left. Sapphire vase in Lord's bedroom. Serpent torc in mrs. Tempt's room (look at her red dress). Purse on bowman's belt (1st floor). Golden ring in the center of plant in the hall. Gemstone in footlocker in very dark room under the stairs (1st floor). Open footlocker and have a look into it. Necklace under the Big Head Statue in the east corridor (just move the head). Tiara on the sarcophag. Necklace on the sarcophag. Golden ring. Search the south-east staircase and you will find it nearby the flower (one of them). Purse on guard's belt in casino. Purse on sergeant's belt in the gallery. Tiara on the statue's head in the hall. Golden skull nearby the sarcophag. Golden nugget under the sarcophag-elevator (go down, then send the sarcophag up and search under it). Golden nugget behind the secret door in the river Leta (button is under bridge; you will need the Sword of Light to find opened door). Gold coins stack in guards' rest room (on the card playing table). Goblet on the round table in guards' room. Sword in the armoury (door to the armoury opens with the switch hidden in footlocker in the basement). 2000 in total. Price 50: Silver nugget in the pile of metal bars in the forge (under the stairs). Use the Sword of Light to see it. Glasses on the table in Lord's cabinet. Inkwell on the table in Lord's cabinet. Wine in the cellar. Wine in the cellar. Wine in the living room (under the plant in the center of the table). Golden plate on the table in the living room. Golden goblet on the table in the living room. Golden plate on the kitchen (search in the water). Wine on the table in mr. Dale's room Goblet on the table in mr. Dale's room Statue on the table in casino. Serpent torc on the sarcophag. Gemstone in the wall above sarcophag. Golden goblet on the sarcophag. Gold coins stack behind the secret door in the library (switch is on the bookcase with ladder). Silver nugget behind the bullseye in the room with speaking dummy. Silver nugget between the walls (stand in front of the door to the room with speaking dummy and look to the left). Jar behind the blue banner in the east corridor (1st floor). Jar on the table in casino. Jar under the table in casino. Golden ring on the bed's edge in Lord's bedroom. Gemstone on the sandclock in Lord's cabinet. Gemstone on the bookcase (library, 1st floor). Tapestry in the hidden room in the museum (switch is in the Cockoo clock). Jar in the hidden room in the museum (switch is in the Cockoo clock). Gemstone on the top of the ladder in the secret passage from the forge (through the gimney). Golden hammer on smith's belt. Silver coin on the table in Workshop. Silver coin on the table in Workshop. Golden vase on the armiore in mrs. Tempt's room. Vase on the armiore in mr. Dale's room. Vase in the window in the gallery. Gemstone on the lamp in the corridor (between two doors to the living room). Gemstone on fur-tree's branch (in the garden). Gemstone on fur-tree's branch (in the garden). Vase on the table in the room with two columns (with exit to the garden). Medal on the portrait in the museum. Candlestick on the table in the library. Candlestick on the table in Lord's shelter (in the bottom of tower). 2000 in total.