
This is the fourth public release of the scripts I have written as of 2005/01/10.

If you're a user and simply want to get the the script module installed so you can play a mission, try just running Quick Install.wsf. Or copy tnhScript.osm into your Thief 2 program folder. (The quick install may not work for everyone, or most people, or on any machine other than my own.)


Included with this package is the script module version.osm. It contains only one script: VersionCheck. The purpose of this module is to allow you to use these, or other scripts without having to distribute the script module with your mission. Instead, you include version.osm, and use VersionCheck to inform the player if a required script module needs to be installed, and where it may be downloaded from.

The script activates at Sim start. It reads a list of module names and versions from Editor\Design Note in the form 'ModuleA=1.0;ModuleB=1.0'. The version number may be omitted to only check that the module is present. (This is necessary if the module file doesn't include version information.) If the module name does not have an extension then '.osm' will be appended to the name.

If all the modules specified are found, then the script sends TurnOn along its ControlDevice links. Otherwise, it will send TurnOff and display a message. Use the Book\Text property to specify what to display. It will be shown on-screen (with a very long timeout period) unless Book\Art is present, then it will be shown in book-mode. In either case, the object with the script is destroyed once the modules have been checked.

Fan-Mission Authors

If you use these scripts in your fan mission, then I'm very happy that you have found my work useful. That's all I care about. Feel free to include a copy of the script module with your FM. (If you don't, then I suggest you use version.osm.) The only thing I require is that you include the copyright notification from copyright.txt, and that your fan mission fully complies with the DromEd EULA.

Generic Scripts

Many of these scripts are derived from three generic scripts.

The generic scripts share many behaviors common to traps.

The Editor\Design Note property is used to specify most parameters for a script. The design note is a string that can be a list of parameters, or a single parameter by itself. A parameters is a keyword, followed by an equals sign (=), then an argument. The argument may be surrounded with single or double quotes. Multiple parameters are seperated with a semi-colon (;). If you need to include a semi-colon in an argument, then it must be surrounded by quotes. A quote mark can be included by using the other type of quote mark to surround the argument, or escape the quote mark with a back-slash. (e.g. 'a \'quoted\' argument')

When a script looks for an integer or flag parameter, you can have it read a quest variable. After the equals sign, type a dollar sign ($) and the name of the quest variable. There may not be space between the dollar sign and the variable name.

Some scripts use a parameter for a time value. If this is in the Script\Timing property, then the time is in milliseconds. But where the time is read from the design note, or a string file, then you can add a suffix to have the time interpreted differently. Add the letter s to indicate seconds, or m for minutes. Without a letter, the time is milliseconds.

The GenericScale and GenericControl scripts respond to TurnOn and TurnOff by looking for default parameters. When the script is turned on, it first looks for the parameter on. If the parameter doesn't exist, it will consider the entire design note as a parameter. When it is turned off, the parameter off is looked for. If it doesn't exist, then GenericScale will consider the whole design note as a value, and negate it. GenericControl will do nothing. Some parameters are simple flags. The value of a flag is either 1 or 0. If not present, a parameter will be assumed to be 0 or an empty string.

All of the generic scripts should put a meaningful value in the message return argument, or at least set it to non-zero if I couldn't think of anything "meaningful." This is so the scripts can be used directly in a pseudo-script. Returning zero causes the pseudo-script to abort, which usually is too drastic.

There is also a GenericTrigger script. Unlike the others, which are all meant to be the base class for your script, GenericTrigger is a supplemental class. It provides an interface for easily sending TurnOn and TurnOff messages, with appropriate handling of trap control flags.

The Scripts


TrapCampaignQVar (GenericTrap)

Just like TrapQVar, but uses the campaign database. The quest variable will always be saved to the campaign database, even if it was previously set in the mission database. All the operations of TrapSetQVar from Thief 2 are supported, including ", ?, and d. Additionally, the operation # is like " but will limit the number of digits in the qvar to 4. (Makes working with the odometer easier.)

TrapFrobber (GenericTrap)

Sends a FrobWorldEnd message to this object when it's turned on. Most useful for converting a book/plaque/scroll into a trap. The object doesn't have to be frobbable. Set the parameter inv to send FrobInvEnd instead.


Translates a FrobWorldEnd message into TurnOn. The reverse of TrapFrobber, basically. The trap control flags are ignored, so you can use them for a more useful script. Will respond to FrobInvEnd instead if you set the parameter inv. You can send a different message by specifying the parameter frobmsg. But be careful about sending messages that are supposed to be sent with extra data.


Relay TurnOn and TurnOff after a random delay. This isn't a generic trap, but it respects all the trap control flags. The Script\Timing property is ignored. The parameters are min_time and max_time using a standard time string.


Repeat TurnOn a number of times, with a delay between firings. The delay is specified in the parameter interval as a standard time string. By default, the relay will repeat indefinitely. The parameter repeat will limit how many times it fires; a negative value is the same as the default. TurnOff will halt the script. If the parameter autostart is set, then the relay will begin automatically at Sim start. Respects the trap control flags Once and NoOff.

TrapSiblingRelay (GenericTrap)

This is a little complicated.

Create a group of relays with this script on them. Using ScriptParams links with the data Sibling, connect the relays together in a ring configuration: exactly one link from each relay to the next, and the last one linked back to the first. Now when any one of the relays receives TurnOn or TurnOff, the message will be sent along ControlDevice links from all the relays in the network.

The network shares a common setting for Script\Trap Control Flags, Script\Timing, and Engine Features\Locked. (But not Editor\Design Note, you should notice.) In each network, the object with the lowest ID is selected as the reference for these properties. When creating a network, you should set these properties on all the relays. The object with the lowest ID is not guaranteed to be the same from one editing session to the next.

All the trap control flags are respected, and reflect the messages that are relayed out of the network. You can change how messages are propogated in the network with the exclusive parameter. If exclusive is on, then when the relay that received the message sends TurnOn (taking into account the Invert trap control flag), the other relays will send TurnOff. TurnOff messages are propogated as normal. Setting exclusive to off allows only one relay to send TurnOff at a time, with TurnOn messages being propogated normally. Or with exclusive=all, it will do that for both messages.

Each relay can have Owns links to other objects. When the relay receives a message from the network, it will send TurnOn or TurnOff as appropriate to its owned objects. These will normally be levers that are used to activate the relays directly. Switching a lever causes it to send a message back to the relay that switched it in the first place, however. TrapSiblingRelay anticipates these messages and will ignore them. The script needs to know whether it is "on" or "off" in order to switch the owned objects appropriately. It normally assumes that it begins in the off position; use start_on to change this. If the owned objects send back a message that is opposite what was sent to them, then invert_levers should be set. (Not counting the Invert trap control flag on the network.) Or you can just have the script not ignore messages by setting the no_swallow parameter.

The parameters no_swallow and invert_levers apply to all owned objects.

The network will self-heal, so it is safe to destroy relays. If the object being destroyed is being used as the reference for the network (has the lowest ID), then it will copy the Script\Trap Control Flags, Script\Timing, and Engine Features\Locked properties to the object that will become the reference. It propogates the message NewBaseObject through the network to inform the other relays of the change.

If you're still confused, look at the demo mission. This script is difficult to explain, but fairly simple to use.

TrapThreshold (GenericTrap)

Will send TurnOn after having received a certain number of prior TurnOn messages. That is, every n-th TurnOn will be relayed. The counter that tracks messages can be decremented by sending TurnOff, or they can be ignored by setting the trap control flag NoOff.


Sends TurnOn and TurnOff when another object makes or breaks contact with this one. Link from this object to another using ScriptParams with the data Contact. The linked object may be an archetype, and any object which inherits from it will trigger. The trigger may be locked, and all the trap control flags are respected.


Sends GoForward when a door begins to open, and GoReverse when it begins to close. When the door halts (for whatever reason), then TurnOff is sent. The messages GoForward and GoReverse can be handled with the standard script TweqOnOff to control a tweqable object. The messages can also be reversed with the Invert trap control flag.


Relays TurnOn and TurnOff conditional on whether an object is currently rendered. A pseudo-script can send the message TestVisible and the script will reply with whether or not the condition is true. When relaying TurnOn or TurnOff, the trap control flag Invert will have the script relay only if the object is not visible. The TestVisible message must be sent with the first data parameter set to the condition to test for: visible or invisible. The object to check is specified using a ScriptParams link with the data set to Visible. If there is no link, then the script object will be checked. The trap control flag Once is respected when relaying, but not when replying to TestVisible.


When the object is frobbed, either in the world or inventory, then a TurnOn will be sent along ControlDevice links if the frobber is currently within a certain area. Use a Route link to the proximity object. The script looks for a Population link to the frobber from this object. The scripts TrigOBB and TrigRoomCreature will create Population links.

Object System


When a container is slain, this script transfers its location and velocity to the objects it contains. If the object is killed by a collision, the contents will bounce away from the collision. (This is to avoid pushing the objects into solid space.) As well, the contents are scattered randomly within the dimensions of the container.


An object with this script can link to other objects that will be kept un-frobbable until this one is dead. Create ScriptParams links with data FrobInert to the dependant objects. The metaproperty FrobInert will be added to the objects initially, then removed once this object is slain or destroyed. Most useful for banners, or even door-like objects such as a window.

This script also acts as a base for other scripts that act similarly. Those scripts may be more specific about whether to make the objects frobbable or not, or they may change the interpretation of "dead".

TrapFrobInert (ObjFrobInert)

Responds to the standard messages of TurnOn (frobbable) and TurnOff (unfrobbable). Has all the expected behaviors of a trap.

DoorFrobInert (ObjFrobInert)

Objects linked from this script will be frobbable based on the state of the door. They will be un-frobbable when the door is closed, and frobbable otherwise. A door will not be considered "dead" when slain unless the parameter breakable is set. A wooden door, for example, is still solid even when slain, but a glass door isn't.

GrabFrobInert (ObjFrobInert)

Makes objects frobbable in response to FrobWorldEnd. Used for objects which can be picked-up to reveal others.

TweqFrobInert (ObjFrobInert)

The frobbability of linked objects is controlled by the joint tweq. When the primary joint state is Reverse, then the objects are frobbable. Responds to TweqComplete. This is suitable for working with container objects that are already in DromEd; other tweqable objects may or may not also work.


When the object is contained, this script deletes all the links from another object to this one. The source(s) of the links to remove is determined from a ScriptParams link with data Unlink. (Useful for objects that might be frob-inerted by ObjFrobInert or a related script.)

TrapContainer (GenericTrap)

Moves the items that are contained by this object to a ControlDevice linked object. If there parameter track_contains is set, then each object that is moved into the recipient container will get an Owns link to it from the trap. Then, when the trap is turned off, only those items will be removed. Otherwise, it will collect all the objects that the linked container has. The ControlDevice can link to the starting point to use the Player.

TrapDispenser (GenericTrap)

Creates a new object and adds it to the container linked with ControlDevice. The object archetype to create is named in the dispense parameter. Using the player as a container works as expected.

TrapMoveRelative (GenericControl)

Move and apply velocity to an object relative to its current position.

Works similar to a teleport trap. The parameters are x, y, z, (position), dx, dy, dz, (linear velocity), h, p, b, (facing), dh, dp, db (rotational velocity). Objects without a physics model cannot have velocity.


Will turn a moving terrain object so it has the same orientation of the waypoint it just reached. The initial values of the Tweq\Rotate property determine which axes will be rotated and at what speed. Only the X ("Rate") value for each axis is used. If it is 0, then that axis will be ignored. When the object reaches a waypoint, the appropriate values are read from the waypoint and the Tweq\Rotate property will be modified so the object will turn to face the same direction. The direction of the turn will be whichever is the shortest distance. The object will not turn if the object isn't moving.

RecallDevice (GenericTrap)

When turned on, all ControlDevice linked objects will be teleported to the location of the Player.


Works with all tweq types except Lock or Delete. When the tweq halts, the appropriate properties for the object will be reset to default values. The defaults are read from the immediate archetype of the object, or from the original rotation of the object for a rotate tweq. Joint tweqs use the Shape\Joint Positions property. Model tweqs use Shape\Model Name. Scale tweqs use Shape\Scale. Emitter and flicker tweqs use the "Cur Time" and "Frame #" fields of the tweq state property.

Books and Plaques


Displays the book text on-screen when the object is hilighted. The text is erased when you look away, unless the trap control flag NoOff is specified.

TrapText (GenericTrap)

Displays text when turned on or frobbed. If there is no Book\Text property, then Editor\Design Note is displayed.

This script was written as a convenience for the demo mission, but hadn't been documented until now.

OnScreenText (GenericScript)

This is a trap for displaying pages from a book file on-screen. Each page can be a different color, and you can control how long a page is displayed. All of the page options are written in the book file. The object only has the parameter page which is the page number that will be shown next. The parameter is modified as the book is read. It defaults to 0, of course. The book can be controlled manually with the ScriptControl message.

The book text is written the same as any other book: create a STR file with each page in the string page_n. The color of the text is in the string page_n_color, and is written in HTML format. ("#RRGGBB", where each color is a two-digit hexadecimal number.) The text will stay on-screen for the time specified in page_n_time. The time is specified as a standard time string. If no time is specified, or it is 0, then the display time will be calculated based on the length of the text. The text can auto-scroll to the next page (it doesn't actually scroll, it's just a figure of speech) with page_n_auto. The next page will be shown the specified time after the current page is put on-screen. That is, a page that is displayed for two seconds and auto-scrolls in three seconds will display the next page one second after the current page is removed from the screen. If the auto time is less than the display time, then the auto-scroll time will be the same as the display time. Usually, the next page is one greater than the current page. The page_n_next string will override this. If the next page doesn't exist, however, the script will go back to page 0. The script will do nothing if the current page doesn't exist. A page exists if it has at least one character in the text. A blank string isn't enough; put a single space in quotes if you want to display a blank page.

These books are fully compatible with other scripts that read books. The standard scripts will display just page 0 if there is no Book\Art property, or multiple pages in book-mode if the property exists. OnScreenText ignores the Book\Art property.

The ScriptControl message will interpret the data as either a number or a string. If a number, the current page of the book will be set to the argument but not displayed. The control message may be an operator character followed by a numeric argument. The operators are:

The first three only change the current page without displaying anything.

Usable Items


Works alongside the standard TimedPotion script to create effects using metaproperties. A metaproperty will be added to an object while the potion is active, then removed when it times-out. The metaproperty is specified with the parameter potion_effect. The metaproperty is normally added to the frobber of the potion, but you can override this with the parameter potion_dest.


Adds a metaproperty to the Player while the object is in his inventory. The metaproperty is specified with inv_effect.

LockHelper / KeyHelper / PickHelper

These three scripts work together to allow event triggers from locked objects. Put LockHelper on the locked object, KeyHelper on all keys, and PickHelper on the lockpicks. When one of the events occurs, LockHelper will send TurnOn along the ScriptParams links that have the data set to the name of the event. The events are:

FrobLock and WrongKey don't need KeyHelper or PickHelper to work.


Substitute this object for another when contained by the player. Make a ScriptParams link from this object (or its archetype) to the archetype of the object that will be placed in the inventory. Set the data for the link to Crystal. (This is not a patch like the other "New" scripts are.)


The StdKey script of Thief has a bug that prevents schemas with the tags LockState and Event StateChange from playing correctly. Specifically, the script is supposed to send PlayerToolFrob to the object being frobbed when the frobber is the player, but it sends the message after the LockSounds script has played the schema.

This script is a patch for StdKey. To use it, replace StdKey with NewKey in the hierarchy. (Or use the "Don't Inherit" option. All the usual behavior of StdKey is preserved in NewKey.

Create a schema with the tags (Event StateChange) (LockState Unlocked) (CreatureType Player) to test the behavior with StdKey and NewKey.


An enhanced replacement for GasLight or Extinguishable. With this script, frobbing a light turns it off, as well as on. You can also add an emitter tweq to the light that will simulate a jet of gas. The emitter is activated when the light is extinguished with a water or KOGas stim. It's turned off when the lamp is relit, or if it receives a TurnOff message. If the light is frobbed while the emitter is active, it turns off the emitter but doesn't turn on the light. The emitter options can be disabled by setting the parameter no_emitter.

The script will also make sure that the light is not suspicious when the game starts, so you can use the Difficulty\Turn On (Off) property.


A timed grenade is armed when it is thrown (not dropped) from the player's inventory. The grenade arms itself by playing a schema and activating a model tweq. After a delay, determined by the Script\Timing property, the grenade is slain. If the archetype for the grenade has a RenderFlash link, the flash is activated. If you pick up the grenade while it is armed, it will deactivate (halt the tweq and schema). Except if there is less than 2 seconds on the timer, then it will explode. It also explodes if you poke or bash it when armed. And a fire stim will explode it even when unarmed. You need to set the appropriate Receptrons with a Send to Scripts reaction.

The actual explosion is linked as the corpse of the grenade. Look at ActiveMine and similar archetypes as examples.

The schemas are played using event tags: Activate, ActiveLoop, Deactivate, and Death. Setting the schemas as a major anomaly makes any AI that hear it wander around, often out of the range of the explosion. Make it a minor anomaly, or set the volume very low, and they'll be more likely to get hit. Death, of course, is pretty major.

A TimedGrenade can automatically arm when launched from an emitter. Set the parameter launch_active on the archetype for the grenade. (This won't work for "emitting" a concrete object.)

Inventory and Stores


The first of a pair of scripts that allow you to have persistant containers. To make an object carry over, create a ScriptParams link with data CarryOver from the container object to the object, or its archetype. When a mission ends, then contained objects that inherit from one of the carry-over archetypes will be recorded as campaign quest variables. The variables will be named "inv_" plus the name of the archetype. If the parameter inv_code is set, then that will also be added before each name. (So you can have multiple independent carry-overs.) The value of each variable will be the stack count of the object, which may be 0. To make the script work on objects in the player's inventory, set the parameter inv_player. In that case, the ScriptParams links will be read from the script object, but it will get the contained objects from the Player object. The player's inventory will also be used if the script is on the starting-point marker.

Any properties placed on the concrete object will be lost. This is mostly an issue with loot objects. If you want to carry-over loot from the player's inventory, you should use the LastMissionLoot script. Loot in other containers will work, but you have to set the loot amount on the archetype, not the created object.


Creates objects based on quest variables that were set in a previous mission. It looks for quest variables that begin with "inv_". If the parameter inv_code is set, then the variables must begin with that code plus "inv_". An object with the name of the variable (minus the prefix code) is created and added to the contents of the script object. If the parameter inv_player is set, then the new objects are added to the player's inventory. The player's inventory will also be used if the script is on the starting-point marker. If the value of the quest variable is not zero, then the stack count of the object is set to that value. Otherwise, the object is created unmodified. Each quest variable that matches the prefix code is deleted, even if an object can't be created. (So it's safe to have another carry-over later. You can even have a carry-over skip missions.)

You can make the script only activate on certain difficulty levels by setting the Difficulty\Script property. The objects will be created only on the difficulty levels that you specify. The quest variables with the correct prefix code will be deleted even if the objects aren't created.


Put this on an item in the pre-mission store, and it will signal whether it was purchased or not. Specifically, it will test if it is in the Player's inventory after the load-out screen is exited. If it is, then TurnOn is sent along ControlDevice links; otherwise it will send TurnOff. You can invert and filter the trigger.

TrapDisarmPlayer (GenericTrap)

Remove offensive items from the player's inventory. Any items that have been removed are returned to the player when the trap is turned off. The parameter nopotions will allow the player to keep potions. Normally, all weapons, projectiles, crystals, grenades, and potions are removed.

AI Interaction


This will signal an AI when you frob a door that is closed and locked. The signal will be sent to the AI that "own" the door. (Owns link from the AI to the door.) They will be signalled with knock_knock.


A replacement for the standard script CorpseFrobHack. This is needed for scripts which allow you to frob an active AI. To use it, you need the metaproperty FrobInteract with the appropriate frob settings. (Usually World: Script.) The metaproperty will be placed on the AI where CorpseFrobHack would otherwise have used FrobInert. (That is, when the AI isn't dead or unconscious.)


Listens for Interact messages and will sent TurnOn along a ScriptParams link when one is received. The data sent with the message is first checked against the link data. If no matching links are found, then links that have an empty data field are used. Then one of the appropriate links is randomly chosen as the relay target.


When the object is tool-frobbed it will send the message Interact to the object it was frobbed on. The value of the Inventory\Object Name property will be sent as the data of the message. If there is a colon in the name, then everything after (and including) the colon is discarded. (So you can name objects without a ObjNames.str file.) The schema new_speech is played when the object is contained by the player.


When placed on another object, an AI can send a CanISeeYou or CanIHearYou message to test for awareness of the object from the AI. When placed on the AI, it can send CanISeePlayer or CanIHearPlayer messages to itself to test for awareness of the Player object. Or it can send CanISeeObject or CanIHearObject with the object specified in the first data parameter. The reply will be non-zero if the condition is true, which will allow a pseudo-script to continue. Otherwise, the result is zero and the pseudo-script will be aborted.

TrapSignalAwareness (GenericTrap)

When turned on, a signal is sent to all AI that have an AIAwareness link to each ControlDevice linked object. The signal to send is specified in the parameter signal. By default, any first-hand awareness is accepted, use the awareness parameter to specify a more restrictive level. If it's 1, then the AI must be able to see the object, if 2, then it must have only heard it.


Allows an AI that is normally non-hostile to become alarmed if it sees the player in a room. When the player enters the room, the metaproperty M-PlayerBreach is added to the player, and AIWatchObj links are created from every Human object to the Player. If any AI can see the player at the moment he enters the room, then the AI is signalled with alarm. When the player exits the room, then the metaproperty is removed as are the AIWatchObj links. There is a slight pause after leaving a room before the links are destroyed. The length of the pause can be set with the exit_time parameter; the default is 1 second. The idea is that an AI will be alerted if it sees that you've just walked out of the room, even if he didn't actually see you in the room itself.

The M-PlayerBreach should have the AI\Utility\Watch: Watch link defaults property set to Player intrusion. You then want to set more restrictive awareness requirements (at least moderate level and line-of-sight) or use the AwarenessFilter script.


A replacement for SuspiciousReactions. Responds to a Suspicious message (which is usually sent from a pseudo-script) based on parameters read from the string file Strings\SuspParm.str. The first data parameter is the name or ID of the suspicious object, the second is the suspicious type. If the suspicious type is generic, then it is translated based on the object's archetype. Windows objects have type glass, ExBanner is banner, and RopeArrowRope is rope. If the type is door or lock then the message will be ignored if the AI that originally frobbed the door is on the same or neutral team as this AI.

The level of suspiciousness is calculated for the object. If it's greater than 1.0, then the actions (if any) are carried out. The base level is specified with the string type_factor. The number of other suspicious objects that the AI is aware of is counted, as well as the number that have the same suspicious type. These counts are multiplied by type_factor_others and type_factor_similar then added to the base level. Then a random factor from 0.0 to type_factor_random is added.

The actions that can be performed are to raise the AI's alert level, add an AIWatchObj link to the suspicious object, or go to then frob the object. The string setting type_alert will raise the alert level to the level specified. The alert level won't be lowered if it's already higher. After a period of time, specified in either type_alert_time or a global setting, the alert level will be allowed to go back down. Although, that doesn't mean that it will be lowered right away. If the string type_watch is set, then an AIWatchObj link is created to the object. The value of the string is ignored. If type_watch_time exists, then the link will be removed after the time specified. If type_frob is set then the AI will first go to the suspicious object and then frob it. The object will not be frobbed if it is no longer suspicious when the AI reaches it. For the gaslight type, the value of the string can be "on" which will have the AI only frob the light to turn it on. Otherwise, a suspicious light that is on may be frobbed off. (If you're using the NewGasLight script.) If the suspicious type of the object is lock, then the "frob" action will set the Engine Features\Locked property of the object instead of frobbing it.

After all the actions are completed, then the other suspicious objects that the AI is aware of are scanned and their suspiciousness levels added together, but disregarding the link-counting factors. Each object will also be adjusted based on the time it was noticed. The global setting fade_time is how quickly the suspiciousness level will be reduced. The level will go down 0.01 for the time specified. If fade_time is 0 (the default), then suspiciousness will not be reduced. The total of all levels is compared to alert_level_3, alert_level_2, and alert_level_1. The alert level for the AI will be raised to the highest alert that the suspiciousness is greater than. Each alert level will be sustained for the amount of time specified in alert_time_3, alert_time_2, and alert_time_1. These alert times will also apply to specific actions which don't have their own time setting. The default time is 10 seconds for each level.

All these factors take quite a bit of experimentation to get "just-right". The example SuspParm.str file I've included is based on the behavior of SuspiciousReactions. You may get better results with other settings.


This version of the SecurityDoor script will ignore state changes when there is an AIDoor link to the door or to its double. Otherwise, an AI that walks through a secure door will broadcast a suspicious concept, even though the SuspiciousReactions script ignores it.


CommandControl (GenericControl)

Executes a command using IDebugScrSrv::Command. You can get a list of commands by typing dump_cmds cmds.txt in DromEd. Multiple command may be executed at a time by seperating them with ';'. Most commands will only work in DromEd, however.


This script allows you to create multiple patrol paths for a single AI. Create the patrol paths as normal, but manually link the AI to the possible starting points using AICurrentPatrol. When Sim starts, all but one of the AICurrentPatrol links will be removed, causing the AI to patrol to the destination of the remaining link. Set the parameter teleport_ai to have the AI immediately teleported to the starting point, instead of patrolling to it.


Moves the starting point to a randomly-selected location before the Player object is created. A single starting point is created as normal. From that point, create ScriptParams links to markers at the other locations. Create a link back to the starting point if you want it to consider its current position as well. Each ScriptParams link has the data Startdiff, where diff is the difficulty levels that the link is valid on. 0 is easy, 2 is hard, "012" will work on all difficulty levels. When Sim starts, the starting point will be teleported to the destination of one of the links.

TrapCamAttach (GenericTrap)

Attach the camera to this object. Return to the normal view when turned off. The parameters are nolens, static, and forcereturn. A static camera cannot be moved by the player. An object other than the one the camera is attached to can only return the camera if forcereturn is on. Only objects that have a physics model will show the lens. (The nolens option will not work in a regular game, I'm afraid.)

TrapFadeOut (GenericScale)

Gradually fade-out to black. The argument is the duration of the fade, in seconds. The screen will remain black until a TurnOff message is sent to the script. There is no fade-in, however. A negative argument does the same thing.

You can fake a fade-in with TrapRenderFlash. Trigger the render flash before sending TurnOff to TrapFadeOut and the after-effect of the flash will act as the fade.

This script is ineffective if the DromEd variable no_endgame is set.

TrapRenderFlash (GenericTrap)

Display a render flash and optionally play a sound. Make a RenderFlash link from the object (or its archetype) to the archetype of a flash SFX. To play a sound, use a SoundDescription link.

The way the flash is created causes the current weapon to be deselected.

TrapFreezePlayer (GenericScale)

Prevents the player from moving. Basically, the extreme opposite of a speed potion. This responds to TurnOn and TurnOff more like a trap than a scale. But you can directly specify a value with ScriptControl and it will multiply the player's speed by that amount.

TrapKillEvents (GenericTrap)

This can disable user input. All user input, which means escape doesn't even work. So the script will always timeout. The default timing is 10 seconds. You can change it with Script\Timing, but it must be something other than zero.

It takes the parameter event_mask. When the parameter is specified in the design note, it is a binary string. A quest variable is read as a regular number. The mask bits are:

You can specify more than four bits, but I don't know if it will do anything.


A room script. It sets the player's gravity to zero when entered, and to normal gravity when exited. (Note the side-effect when a lo-grav potion is used.) You might recognize this if you've ever messed with ShockEd.

The idea is to create a negative-gravity room that lifts the player. Then at the point you want to stop create another room with positive gravity and add this script to it. (For best results, the room boundary should be at least 0.5–1.0 units above the floor that the player will walk out onto.)

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