=================================================================================== Title : Rust Belt Prison (V 1.4) New Dark Author : John Denison Contact Info : jdenison1@comcast.net Homepage : Date Finished : July 2, 2013 Briefing : The City Watch caught you in the slums and took you to jail. Today is your trial date. The Judge and Jury have found you guilty of many hundreds of crimes ranging from grand theft to assault. Before you are taken to your prison cell, you stand to witness the next court case. The court has found that both you and this prisoner aided the escape of Mr. Joe Oh Dear. The prisoner on trial is Joe's brother Jack. Both have been identified as invalids from an evil place. Jack would have been given an automatic death penalty, but Jack was given a fair trial in exchange for telling the City Watch the location of the invalid's hideout. You, Garrett, have been given the same life sentance for many numerous crimes in addition to aiding Mr. Oh Dear's escape. Had it not been for your unwaivering assistance in clearing out the city of over one hundred fifty thousand invalids, you would have been given an automatic death sentance as well. Your main objective is to get out of the prison. All of the ground level entrances are locked tight, so you will have to find another way out. The Judge ordered that you were to be inprisoned forever, so make him pay for it. Using your intuition, you feel that the judge is hiding something, so this place may take you by surprise. =================================================================================== * Playing Information * Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age Title : Breakout File Name : miss22.mis Difficulty Settings : No Equipment Store : No Map : No Auto Map : No New Graphics : Yes New Sounds : Yes Multi-Language Support : No Briefing : No Length : n/a Size : n/a Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, and Expert * Construction * Base : Built from scratch Build Time : eighteen months... v1.3, less than one month... v1.4 v0.1 - First Alpha v0.1b - First Beta v0.2 - Second Beta v0.3 - Third Beta v0.4 - Final Beta v1.0 - Public Release - only released to beta testers v1.1 - Public Release - only released to beta testers v1.2 - Public Release v1.3 - Final Release v1.4 - Tweaked to work with New Dark This is my twelfth Thief mission. =================================================================================== * Loading Information * DarkLoader ready. =================================================================================== * Copyright Information * This mission is by John Denison (john9818a) I only take credit for the design of my mission. All of the textures, objects, scripts, conversations, etc. are original Looking Glass property, except for the custom objects made by: Nameless_Voice - NVLecturn Rob Hicks - various prisoner AIs from DedX Schwaa - Pot Belly Stove, Trash Can Targa - 4x4 Safe Door Vigil - Cobwebs, Open Book - Alun Bestor (www.washboardabs.net/thief/) von.Eins - Wood Railing, Wood Posts Yandros - Metal Shelves - Some objects were resized from original in dromed, shelves in freezer have inverted color, Food Pack & Chocolate Cake Thanks to everyone at the TTLG forums for their help! Thanks to Shadowspawn for post the fix instructions for the walspot2.bin object at TTLG: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=508418#post508418 The turbine spool-up fix is posted at http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1724080#post1724080 Thanks to the beta-testers: Brynolf LarryG Tanner The Watcher and to the alpha-testers: All Nicked SirFreddieM A special thanks is given to Epithumia, South Quarter, KeepofMetalandGold and Thief-TheCircle for hosting FM's! Thanks to Dussander for providing a beta testing forum!! If I missed anyone then please forgive me. Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive. (This text file was ripped from a previous rip of somebody else's ripped FM info that was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard) =================================================================================== *********************************************************************************** =================================================================================== Titolo : Rust Belt Prison (V 1.4) Autore : John Denison e-mail : jdenison1@comcast.net Homepage : Data di completamento : 2 Luglio, 2013 Briefing : La Guardia Cittadina ti ha arrestato nei sobborghi e ti ha portato in prigione. Oggi è il giorno del tuo processo. Il Giudice e la giuria ti hanno trovato colpevole di molte centinaia di crimini che vanno dal furto all'aggressione. Prima di essere portato alla tua cella sei testimone del caso successivo della corte. La corte ha trovato che sia tu che questo prigioniero siete responsabili della fuga di Mr. Joe Oh Dear. Il prigioniero sotto processo è il fratello di Joe, Jack. Entrambi siete stati identificati come invalidi provenienti da un luogo malvagio. Jack sarebbe dovuto essere condannato alla pena capitale, ma gli è stato concesso un giusto processo in cambio della conoscenza del nascondiglio degli invalidi. Tu, Garrett, sei stato condannato alla prigione a vita a causa dei tuoi innumerevoli cirmini oltre che per aver aiutato la fuga di Mr. Oh Dear's escape. Non fosse stato per l'aiuto che hai dato nel ripulire la città di più di centocinquantamila invalidi saresti stato condannato a morte anche tu. Il tuo obiettivo principale è di uscire dalla cella. Tutte le entrate al piano terra sono sigillate quindi dovrai trovare un'altra via di fuga. Il giudice ha ordinato la tua prigionia a vita, quindi fagliela pagare. Usando la tua intuizione, sai che il giufice sta nascondendo qualcosa, quindi questo posto potrebbe nascondere qualche sorpresa. =================================================================================== * Informazione di gioco * Gioco : Thief II: The Metal Age Titolo : Breakout Nome file : miss22.mis Livelli di difficoltà : No Acquisto attrezzatura : No Mappa : Sì Mappa automatica : No Nuova grafica : Sì Nuovo sonoro : Sì Supporto multi lingua : Sì, inglese ed italiano Briefing : No Durata : n/a Dimensione : n/a Info livelli difficoltà : Normale, difficile, esperto * Costruzione * Base : costruito dal niente Tempo di costruzione : diciotto mesi... v1.3, meno di un mese... v1.4 v0.1 - prima alfa v0.1b - prima beta v0.2 - seconda beta v0.3 - terza beta v0.4 - beta finale v1.0 - rilascio pubblico - solo ai betatester v1.1 - rilascio pubblico - solo ai betatester v1.2 - rilascio pubblico v1.3 - versione finale v1.4 - Ottimizzato per lavorare con New Oscuro Questa è la mia dodicesima missione. =================================================================================== * Informazioni di caricamento * Usare il darkloader. =================================================================================== * Informazioni sulla traduzione * Traduzione a cura di Thief Italia ( http://gamesurf.tiscali.it/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=155 ) ed eseguita da Krenim (testi) ed Angelot (mappe) =================================================================================== * Copyright * Questa missione è di John Denison (john9818a) mi prendo il merito solo per il design. Tutte le texture, gli oggetti, gli script, le conversazioni, ecc. sono proprietà originale dei Looking Glass, ad eccezione degli oggetti creati da: Nameless_Voice - NVLecturn Rob Hicks - vari prigionieri daDedX Schwaa - stufa, cestino Targa - 4x4 porta di sicurezza Vigil - ragnatele, libro aperto - Alun Bestor (www.washboardabs.net/thief/) von.Eins - travi di legno, ringhiere di legno Yandros - mensole di metallo - alcuni oggetti ridimensionati tramite dromed, mensole nel congelatore hanno colore invertito, pacchi di cibo e torta di cioccolato. Thanks to everyone at the TTLG forums for their help! Thanks to Shadowspawn for post the fix instructions for the walspot2.bin object at TTLG: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=508418#post508418 The turbine spool-up fix is posted at http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1724080#post1724080 Thanks to the beta-testers: Brynolf LarryG Tanner The Watcher and to the alpha-testers: All Nicked SirFreddieM A special thanks is given to Epithumia, South Quarter, KeepofMetalandGold and Thief-TheCircle for hosting FM's! If I missed anyone then please forgive me. Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive. (This text file was ripped from a previous rip of somebody else's ripped FM info that was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)