Bloodstone Prison

Vital statistics
Game: Thief 1 (missions for this game)
Author: Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) (missions by this author)
Readme file: Yes
Released: 1999.11.27
Size: 2.3MB (2509033 bytes)
Languages: English
Hints: Yes
Discussion: Forum (TTLG, Eng)

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Downloads last 24 hours:1
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Total downloads:5597


Average Rating: 9.83

9.5The Circle
10.0The Keep of Metal and Gold
10.0My Personal Rating


A capsule review:

Contributed review by MIM the Pickpocket:
A pretty nice level with clever design. I enjoyed playing it - though I find it too easy even at the expert skill. Bloodstone Prison is one of the levels that - concerning quality - aren't too far from the original, maybe except that low difficulty setting. Plus it is not too hard to navigate, everything seems very logical, which I find very convenient (I don't really like missions where I'm lost even after several plaings). Definitely worth trying out!

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